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Ozarks Tech Campus-Wide Scavenger Hunt
September 6, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Grab 3-6 of your closest friends and create a team for Ozark Tech’s Campus Wide Scavenger Hunt. On Friday, September 6, OTC’s campus will turn into a competitive playground. Teams will race around completing various missions and trivia to secure a first place win to receive the scavenger hunt grand prize. Prizes will be awarded to the top three leaderboard teams, team with most creative mission responses, and team with the best team spirit. Everyone will have the chance to enjoy free food and drink throughout game time and secret giveaways will be provided for certain missions. Event kickoff is at 5PM in the PMC lobby and teams must return to the PMC by 7:00PM to be present for the winners ceremony. Event ends at 7:30pm.
Advanced team registration is required, but is totally free! Here’s how to register:
1. Download the Goosechase iOS or Android app.
2. Log in. New to Goosechase? Sign up for an account or play as a guest.
3. Search for this Experience by code Z8XDPD or name OTC Scavenger Hunt Fall 2024. Once you find your Experience, click Let’s Go!
4. Join an existing team or create your own team. Some profiles require a passcode!
5. Lastly, set yourself apart with a name and photo and click Save.
Game rules:
1. Teams must be made up of 3-6 members. A minimum of ONE team member MUST be an Ozarks Tech student, staff, or faculty. Non-Ozarks Tech guests are welcome to join teams that have a minimum of one Ozarks Tech representative.
2. Teams must be present at kick-off at 5pm and at winners ceremony at 7:00pm to be qualified for prizes
3. A phone with wi-fi or cellular data will be required to play
4. Submissions will be monitored as they come in and will be declined if they don’t meet mission standards
More questions? Email engagement@otc.edu.