ASN Pinning
-OTC Springfield Campus 1001 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO, United StatesASN-C Pinning
ASN-C Pinning
Classes Begin (2nd 5-week classes)
Final Grades Due @10:00 AM (1st 5-week classes)
Students may add 2nd 5-week classes through the 4th day of the term
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (2nd 5-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Last day to drop a 2nd 5-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear with a W grade…
Today is the last day you can submit a Financial Aid appeal for the summer term
Last day to complete the loan process for the summer term
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (2nd 5-week classes)
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Midterm Grades Due @10:00 AM (2nd 5-week classes)
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
No refund of tuition and fees, class will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Course Canvas sites open (20-week classes)
No refund of tuition and fees, W grade will appear on the OTC transcript
End of classes and Final Assessments/Exams (8-week classes)
Students can add 20-week classes to their schedule during this time.
Course Canvas sites open (Intersession classes)
ASN-C Pinning
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (20-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript. Last day to declare that you…
Classes Begin (20-week classes)
Final Grades Due @10:00 AM (8-week classes)
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (Intersession classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript. Student can declare "audit" status through…
Classes Begin (Intersession classes)
Students can add intersession classes to their schedule during this time.
Last day to drop a class with a 50% refund of tuition and fees (Intersession classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Transcripts with final summer semester grades will be available starting today. Students requesting transcripts that reflect summer grades should not order transcripts prior to this date
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (intersession classes)
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
End of Classes and Final Assessments (10-week classes and 2nd 5-week classes)
Transcripts with SU25 Degrees Posted Available
Course Canvas sites open (19-week classes)
Course Canvas sites open (18-week classes)
Final Grades Due @10:00 AM (10-week classes and 2nd 5-week classes)
Classes Begin (18-Week classes)
Classes Begin (19-week classes)
Students can add 18-week classes to their schedule during this time
Students can add 19-week classes to their schedule during this time
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
Last day to drop/withdraw from Intersession classes. No refund. Class will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript.
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Course Canvas sites open (16-week and 1st 8-week classes)
End of Classes and Final Exams (Intersession classes)
Classes Begin (16-week and 1st 8-week classes)
Final Grades Due @ 10:00 AM (Intersession classes)
Last day for 100% refund & Last day to declare "Audit" status (18-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC transcript.
Last day to drop a 19-week class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (19-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC transcript. Last day to declare that…
Students can add 16-week or 1st 8-week classes to their schedule during this time.
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (1st 8-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript. Last day to declare audit…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (16-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript. Last day to declare that you…
Last day to drop a 1st 8-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
Last day to drop a 18-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
Last day to drop a 19-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Course Canvas sites open (14-week classes)
Last day to drop a 16-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
Institutional and Foundation scholarship period opens.
Labor Day (College closed)
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (1st 8-week classes)
Classes Begin (14-week classes)
Students can add 14-week classes to their schedule during this time.
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (20-week classes)
Last day to drop a class with a 100% refund of tuition and fees (14-week classes). Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript. Last day to declare that you…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (19-week classes)
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (18-week classes)
Last day to drop a 14-week class with a 50% refund of tuition and course-related fees. No refund on common fees. Class will not appear on the OTC Transcript.
Class dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (16-week classes)
Midterm Grades due @ 10:00 AM (1st 8-week classes)
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
U.S. Constitution Day
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
OTC Student organization, Chi Alpha Campus Life--Join us for a lunch discussion every Wednesday in ICW 108C from 1130-1230, we have an information table 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Atrium as…
The OTC dental clinic offers preventive services at an extremely reduced cost. The student clinicians provide outstanding care and are always in need of patients. We are open Tuesdays and…
Classes dropped starting today will appear with a W grade on the OTC transcript (14-week classes)